

Karen Horwitz - Teacher to Activist

Scales of Justice
Karen Horwitz Story
Radio Interviews
SC Petition (brief)
SC Petition (full)
Court Terminology
Layman's Explanation
Update, 2016
ACLU History
White Chalk Crime
Contact K. Horwitz

In 1992, I earned my Masters degree in Reading and returned to teaching after having raised a family only to discover teacher abuse and its deadly effects on this profession. I began working as a teacher activist in 1995, not knowing one other teacher courageous enough to speak publicly.

I persevered as a teacher, while being harassed, so I could document what the administrators were doing, and expose it. I wanted to accumulate proof to show public officials and I have it because I was terminated and had a hearing that fully demonstrates what a disgrace teaching is. (I turned down a multiple six figure offer to go away so I could have this proof.)

Within three years I found one other person who would speak out. Within six years I found three. In 2002, the number grew to approximately ten. Darlene Goodman of New Mexico and I co founded NAPTA in the summer of 2002, so we could locate enough voices to be heard and force change upon our corrupt schools and created a website at EndTeacherAbuse.org. By the fall of 2004, after our web site had been in existence for two years, we had nearly 300 members; by 2007, we had over 700 members. And by 2009 we were well over 1000, with members joining at a greater pace. Currently NAPTA has over 2000 members.

Files Supreme Court Case

Meanwhile, I took my own teacher termination case up through the courts to show just how little justice there is for teachers. I named my case Dread School after the infamous Dred Scott case as both show the worst of what this country can be.

Writes book: White Chalk Crime

And last, but not least, I wrote a book, White Chalk Crime: The REAL Reason Schools Fail, to serve as a guide for all who care about our failing schools, as to how teacher abuse ensures that reform cannot take place.
