Unions Divide
State Accreditation
University Culpability
Parental Involvement
Emperor's Clothes
Authentic Hazard
Alternatives Nixed
Inpenetrable Facade



"We all know that the destructive individuals of the world have a way of finding each other, organizing, and building a forceful assembly that at times has had the power to destroy us all."
Mary-Elaine Jacobsen, Psy.D

"Let us have our faith that right makes might and in that faith let us to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."
Abraham Lincoln

Aristotle understood the importance of teaching when he stated,"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind are convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth."

POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY: The divide and conquer technique is not the sole property of the administrators. Unions will promote teacher strikes while they work behind the scenes supporting districts' abuse of teachers. Why? Strikes anger parents and maintain that healthy divide that assures business as usual will go on in our schools. With the threat of retribution hanging over teachers, they know not to act alone.

If their union calls a strike, they can feel somewhat safe participating, as the administration cannot fire the entire staff. If the unions were sincere in their intent to support teachers, why would they help bury individually abused teachers, and leave the opportunity to abuse in tact? Fighting for money leaves a negative taste in citizen's mouths, particularly since they are not aware of the true plight of teachers. Fighting for rights, when an individual teacher experiences abuse at the hands of the district, would serve to erase some of this prejudice as it would generate sympathy. But teachers striking, mostly over money, creating chaos in the parents' lives as well as their children's lives, reinforces the idea that teachers are not there for their children, precisely what the system wants the public to believe.

This also gives the false picture that teachers are powerful, and further misleads the public about this profession. Occasionally when teachers strike, they mention working conditions, but they do not bring up harassment and violations of rights because they cannot prove this, as it is all so covered-up via legal means - mostly gag orders, or psychological destruction of the potential leak of information.

They use striking as the only venue for relief even though it does not address the burning issues of teacher abuse that a higher salary cannot justify. Believing that more money might make it more bearable, they alienate the parents further; even if they succeed with the strike, it is only a question of time before the axe will fall on their heads, punishing them behind the scenes.

They believe that at least their lives are somewhat better with this higher paycheck. Yet, any teacher with a healthy soul does not have a price for relinquishing her spirit and finds herself torn between living in her integrity or keeping her job, with the extra money providing no real psychic relief.

Furthermore, it is only a question of time before anyone who shows leadership in terms of promoting a strike, or even participates in real negotiations, will be targeted if that person has the misfortune to be employed at one of our numerous corrupt school districts.

In the early 1990's, the president of the local union of Avoca School District #37, Wilmette, Illinois, who was the librarian at one of the two schools in the district, took a proactive stance as part of the negotiation process. This led to a possible strike and disruption in the community. Needless to say, Superintendent Sloan, whose top down tyranny was challenged, became infuriated.

Legally, the teachers had a right to challenge the Board for better working conditions. However, legal does not count in many of our public schools. A teacher had better not try to assert any rights if she wants psychological safety and job security in a district such as this. In the end, no strike took place.

However, contrary to the law, Sloan terminated all the non-tenured teachers who participated in the union that year, which included numerous teachers. It is simple to terminate a first year teacher, although it is illegal to do so because they participated in union activity. He was not concerned, knowing how the playing field fit right into his hands. There are laws, and then there are ways around laws.

However, retaliating against the librarian required more effort, as she had tenure. Furthermore, due to her high profile position, he couldn't be obvious. So first he moved her to the other school, more than likely believing she would be unhappy with this change. (Any time a teacher changes positions, it necessitates significant extra work to become up to snuff in that new area.) Then a few years later, Sloan had the principal demote her into a floating substitute.

This meant she had to report to duty each day to substitute for any teacher who might be absent. If none were absent, which happened some days in this small district, she was to co-teach. Normally, co-teaching means a planned project done by two teachers. In this case she was randomly assigned classrooms with no front time to acquaint herself with that curriculum.

Certainly, this position was far less rewarding, and at times humiliating, as she was no longer the master of her own area. Although the contract obligated the district to pay her the salary according to the teaching scale, her job duties now consisted of teacher-assistant-like activities. She was given a desk that was plopped into the science lab, where she could stick out like a sore thumb as having no purpose there. She was reprimanded for petty issues on many occasions. She was at their mercy, something they had little of because union activity is a no-no in a corrupted districts.

In many districts teachers take on the bully mentality they see directed at them. Steeped in disrespectful methods of control throughout, education encourages REVERSE INTIMIDATION from teachers.

Teachers can strike, or use the union to perform reverse intimidation tactics, but they will pay dearly. No one could prove the superintendent demoted the librarian in retaliation for her union activity, but one need only read the other teacher stories to see that this is a common practice. The union had to know the true reason for her fate, given that it is happening all over our country. But they look the other way and continue to encourage strikes, since strikes are good for them. It gives the unions an image of being authentic. Meanwhile, it keeps teachers distanced from parents, the only people with the real power to change our schools by VOTING OUT corrupt regimes.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-ONE: Political cronyism and carefully constructed systems throughout this maze make it almost certain that voting out the power brokers is not going to happen. Each aspect of this shallow universe operates with the confidence that this is their secret to keep. Often, corruption starts at the School Board level, with opportunist using this post for status and power rather than for the children. However, sometimes people who care about our children are voted onto Boards once the community becomes aware that something needs to be done about their schools.

Even if independent people finally gain the power, and are successful in cleaning out the toxic power brokers in their district, they will still use whatever legal means available to silence the whistleblower, or abuse the teacher, rather than publicly accept accountability for their District's collective malfeasance. If one School Board member, elected public officials that they are, across America had the integrity to admit teacher abuse exists, the ball would start rolling in the direction of reform. Instead, cover-up is the method of choice, using the pretense that fiduciary responsibilities forced them to crucify the whistleblower. Since they listened to the whistleblower, knowing she had spoken out for the good of the district, they can hardly rationalize that this same person would want to destroy the district financially. In addition, they have the ability to sit down with the whistleblower and negotiate an end to their power play and discontinue utilization of teacher abuse against her if she agrees to take a reasonable settlement, a settlement that would be far less costly than continued legal fees, particularly since her goal was exposure and to help the children. Beyond that, it isn't right to keep lying and harassing a teacher just to win a trumped-up case that harmed that teacher. Debts are debts. We can't teach our children character if the leaders refuse to be accountable for their actions.

Even though these School Board members may believe they did the right thing cleaning house, they have let down our country hiding what they did, since children and teachers all over America will continue to be abused until an upstanding citizen in power somewhere stops teacher abuse from happening. To continue a fabricated legal process against a teacher whose only "crime" was anger and despair for being abused, is secondary abuse. It is even sadder to watch people with good qualities partake in teacher abuse as a legacy handed down to them from the rascals who enjoyed it. As the administrators who choose to operate in darkness, pull the Board members into their agendas, one has to feel a deep sense of despondency knowing that the self-serving people of this world have the ability to puppetize so many people. Evil people will rejoice at gaining power, any way they can get it, even if it is limited to the satisfaction of watching abuse that they created from a distance, carried out by the soldiers they lined up.

It is a known fact that whistleblowers expose corruption to stop it. It is such a painful process that one would hardly go down that road for the limited financial rewards available in court. Beyond that, when School Board members know they have removed a cancer due to the courage of a whistleblower, hiding behind the law is the type of cowardice that is nearly as abhorrent as the evil done in the first place. We know this about the leaders of the Catholic Church who chose to use the law to cover up abuse in the church. This is no different. Perhaps these School Board members can feel good about themselves for removing the toxic elements that caused the abuse. However, by keeping teacher abuse silent, it is only a question of time before it will resurface in their district. The cancer is teacher abuse, and removing administrators who selected this method of control, does not remove this disease that is destroying our entire school system and society. It also does not make the proper amends to the teacher or teachers who suffered under their watch. Where there are apologies, there is forgiveness; where there is cover-up there is scandal. The upcoming Teacher Cleansing in America, by Karen Horwitz, will describe in detail, along with other decayed aspects of this system, this scandalous phenomenon of how our public officials serve as accomplices with their cowardliness, as it occurred in her district, to help educate the public to make this stop. We will be keeping track of those PUBLIC OFFICIALS who claim that they care about education and human rights.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-TWO: State accreditation issues have recently surfaced as new fertile grounds to push undesirable teachers out of the system. In the past few years, states have developed continuing education requirements that need to be approved by official committees. This procedure was encouraged by people seeking reform, believing that the problem with our schools is that our teachers are not keeping up with their profession. The assumption is that by forcing continued education, teachers will perform at higher levels. Just as mandated testing has turned our schools into neurotic worshippers of test scores, creating all types of havoc in our schools, mandated continuing education has provided a new window of opportunity for districts to exile teachers.

The state of Ohio has refused Tammy Mansfield's continuing education plan. Mansfield, a special education teacher in Ohio, will no longer be qualified to teach if she is not able to complete an accredited plan. Just think how simple it is to dispose of unwanted teachers by sabotaging their ability to fulfill this new requirement.

Her supervisor, who had given her more than glowing reviews, suddenly turned against her after she advocated for disabled children. That very supervisor had to okay her education plan and not surprisingly, found it deficient.

In each state, there are time limits in which a teacher has to fulfill this obligation. Just think how easy it will be to keep denying a teacher's proposal until her certificate expires, making her ineligible to teach. Granted, the prior plan whereby a teacher could go for thirty years without every updating her credentials led to deficiencies in teaching. However, the solution to this problem has played right into the hands of the administrators, affording them an easier method of teacher cleansing than paying for a kangaroo trial, and using political connections to fix it, after spending significant time to build a fabricated case against a teacher. This is a much cleaner strangulation of a teacher's career, and more behind the scenes, where these deviants like to operate.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-THREE: Universities, as part of the "system", fear if they rock the boat, their graduates will not be hired. Thus, few academics are encouraged to investigate or reveal what is really taking place in our schools. In 1998, when Horwitz applied to participate in the doctorate program designed to be a think tank to reform education, at National Louis University in Evanston, they turned her down, transforming her "Dream into Reality", giving her two reasons.

First, because Horwitz mentioned in her essay that she might want to work in a governmental position upon receiving this degree and that is not what they had in mind. Why wouldn't they view a teacher wanting to work in some type of overseeing position, as a valuable extension to a doctoral program in reform? Why did the intake person for the university tell Horwitz the exact opposite advice about this program? She had told Horwitz that there was no job or certification connected to this degree as they were also drawing from business or other backgrounds just to brainstorm about what could be done to improve our schools.

Then they mentioned that her situation at her job was "too negative." Why would they think that a teacher pleased with status quo would want to spend the energy and money to pursue this degree? Even more interesting was the fact that she hadn't discussed her specific issues with her district and had simply made statements expressing her concerns about the state of education and her eagerness to play a role in improving our schools based on her negative experiences at Avoca School District in a neighboring suburb.

This suburb just happened to be a direct conduit for teaching and student teaching positions for this university. Exposing the truth about our schools would be devastating to universities, particularly universities such as National Louis, where teacher education is their primary source of resources. However, setting up this new doctorate degree in social inquiry and reform would make the university appear to care about reform while making sure the candidates would not be too critical, so they could protect their financial interests.

This seemed to be just another public relations stunt. Not anticipating a real critical minded reformer within the culture of abused and brain dead teachers, they were not prepared for a person like Horwitz.

More than likely, the intake person now has an established method of culling any real reformers from the perspective student pool after dealing with Horwitz. Recently, Horwitz contacted the president of National Louis University about her concerns that they are operating with their EYES WIDE SHUTand obstructing educational reform. This purported leader, who espoused an almost spiritual approach to his direction, neglected to respond, knowing the powerlessness of teachers within the system. Protests such as Horwitz’s are treated like gnats - swatted away.

They are not likely to worry about another person like Horwitz coming along, since critically thinking teachers leave the profession, sign gag orders in hopes of moving to an ethical school elsewhere, or flee the profession licking their wounds from the abuse they had experienced. Few have enough energy, legal ability, or motivation left after these hostile encounters, to even want to spend their time in a doctoral program such as this, knowing reform is never going to happen because this system is intentionally dysfunctional.

Organized to provide a gravy train of perks and power for the lords of their fiefdoms, our schools need to be exposed and made honest if real reform is ever to begin.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-FOUR: The group of educational reformers consists heavily of parents. Because of the layers of public relations that disguise the true nature of our schools, it takes several years for most parents to develop a true picture of this institution. This means that parents of kindergartners buy into the warm and fuzzy facade, and it takes several years before they have a handle on the deficiencies hidden underneath.

Since most children will be attending a different school by sixth grade, this means that the average parent has about two years of awareness that something needs to be done at that school before it is time to move on. Even those who become deeply involved in reform, normally spend at least a year being sidetracked by administrators, serving on a useless committee before they realize they have been manipulated into ineffectiveness.

Therefore, the strongest voices for reform end up moving on to the next institution before they can make a lasting impact on the first school. Since students are in junior high and high school for such a limited time, it is most difficult for any parent to become solidly immersed in reform. It is even more unusual for parents to remain in this endeavor once their children have moved on to college, particularly since most find they have accomplished so little. This means that the natural progression through the system aides the system in blocking any roots for reform.

Another phenomenon that occurs with parents is that those who have children with problems, discover the deficiencies in the system considerably before parents of high functioning children. As these parents attempt to share their discoveries, other parents refuse to listen, believing these issues occurred due to problems created by these low functioning children.

Prejudice creates another barrier into seeing the authentic nature of our schools, since high functioning children succeed in spite of issues. Often it takes until these children begin to dabble in drugs in adolescence before the parents realize their together children have come apart due to the system. By that time, parents are less inclined to blame the schools, believing that societal pressures alone have encouraged these children to succumb to temptation. They are unaware that had their children been taught by high functioning teachers, operating from their spirits rather than their sense of fear, and had received a solid education, they would now have the choice of the positive avenue of learning as a resource that keeps children into life and out of escapism.

In addition, even if they realize the weaknesses in the schools at that point, their child is nearly ready to graduate from high school, and reforming the schools for the future is not high on their priorities when they are focused on dealing with other parenting issues. So once again, our public schools are left off the hook by timing that is on their side.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-FIVE: The limited ability for parents to bring forth reform entails more than their short duration at each school. Many parents praise their school districts more as an extension of themselves, than for what they really are. In our competitive, materialistic world, it is hard for many people to admit their schools are inferior. If one views life as a game and winning as collecting the most prizes, then admitting your school is a disgrace, is losing, particularly when you moved to the best neighborhood and are paying the highest taxes to provide your children with the best education.

I have known parents that refused to acknowledge that their child had the "inferior" teacher, believing it is best to pretend and "win", than to admit and "lose." Rather than organize with other parents, and making sure the classroom is appropriate, many parents refuse to "lose", knowing their neighbor's child had the effective teacher that year. Often years later, they will admit the truth.

This plays out as "The Emperor's New Clothes." It is easier to see what is not really there. But that is temporary ease. The children see it for what it is, rebound off of the hypocrisy that impacts their ability to make sense of the world, and they often turn to drugs to cope with the emptiness our schools leave within them. Whereas some children can understand, others turn to violence in their anger. Each parent has no way of knowing how all this mean-spiritedness and phoniness in our schools will affect our children; we are playing Russian Roulette by thinking we can ignore this.

We will see an increase of Columbine-like issues, students sent to residential schools, unable to deal with the hypocrisy, and escapism, until as a society we become real. Be it elitism, a class struggle, or simply non-stop competition that is part of our market society, whatever is keeping our society from recognizing the seriously flawed public school system, is a force as destructive as any terrorist group could wish upon us.

There are plenty of parents crying out against our schools, but most of the time it is parents who have been hurt directly by the schools while many of those whose children seem unharmed refuse to listen. The pattern amongst parents is similar to the pattern amongst teachers; if it isn't happening to me, it isn't happening. Evil thrives when good people do nothing. We need everyone to unite and to take back our schools.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-SIX:The bureaucratic militaristic model appears to be the archtype in education. If one were to ask the average teacher whether she had considered a career in the military, it is more than likely her response would be negative. Teaching attracts people who first of all, like children and their free spirited natures. Secondly, they like the idea of their own little space, where they can be creative and be in charge, unlike other careers where one simply takes orders and does whatever one is told. This projected freedom helps to attract teachers, in spite of the dismal salaries.

Each classroom poses unlimited possibilities for creativity. Depending on the grade level, teachers see the opportunity for personal expression, and often like to perform, but feel more comfortable doing so in front of children.

In general, teachers tend to be from somewhat to extremely creative, enjoying putting together bulletin boards or a unique method of presenting American history that children will enjoy. They take courses in art and music to become elementary teachers, as they will be integrating these areas into their classroom teaching. They choose this career believing that they can use their special talents and engage children.

Then at the university level, they are told that they will be decision makers in the classroom, being in a position to decide if Jonny needs extra help, or if Susie needs more discipline. The total package is one of self expression and communication designed to help children become well rounded individuals and future citizens.

Therefore, these are not people who would have likely considered our military as a close alternative to teaching, as the military is the institution where creativity hardly flows, and when it does, it usually spells court marshall. The military is a well defined organization, attractive to those who like order and control of their environment. It suits some, while it is a disaster for others. Often parents of unruly teenagers will send them to the military, or military-like institutions to "straighten them out," as it closes the doors to creativity that get some teenagers in trouble.

However, adults choose the military because it fits their personalities, dreams and desires to live in order. Although high school math teachers who enjoy the order of mathematics might be somewhat closer to the military model, certainly elementary school teachers are far from the profiles that find the military attractive. Yet, alleged experts in education testify that our schools are bureaucracies describing them somewhat like the military. A case in point was at Horwitz's tenure dismissal hearing where there was an authentic HAZARD to educational reform.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEN: On our link entitled BELIEFS, in the Information Withheld section, we provided information about our schools versus our businesses, and how successful charter schools are shut down by our school districts. Throughout this site, we are documenting how our public schools do not provide customer satisfaction, yet the system guarantees that they will stay in business. Monopolies do not work, yet the push toward a permanent monopoly is a central theme in our schools, since without choices, satisfaction is no longer an issue. With the significant help from teachers' unions, our schools are desperately trying to eliminate competition to hold onto funding that they lose when children attend elsewhere.

Mackinac Center
by Kirk A Johnson, 9/10/02)
" Last June, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its historic ruling upholding the Cleveland school voucher program, organizations opposed to school choice criticized the decision. In the end, the charge that choice drains funds from public schools is a red herring designed to obfuscate the real issue: Too many public schools are failing our children and parents are demanding options." (More details available; see REFERENCES>LINKS)

Both vouchers for alternative education or charter schools that might out perform them, must be squelched so that public schools can maintain their edge, even while performing dismally. To these ends the union and districts are working together.

Another area of loss for our schools is home schooling, a phenomenon that could have only taken off with public schools so worthless that people take on this burden for fear their children will be damaged by our schools.

Homeschooling booms in Pennsylvania
The Morning Call,09/06/02
In Pennsylvania, homeschooling was legalized in 1988. That year, officially, 2,152 students were homeschooled. By last year, the number had grown to 24,019.(More details available; see REFERENCES>LINKS.)

Recently, California came out with regulations to stifle homeschooling. "California warns home schoolers, " THE WASHINGTON TIMES
By Ellen Sorokin,
August 21, 2002.
"School officials in California are warning parents that they cannot educate their children at home unless they obtain professional teaching credentials." If the quality of teachers in the classroom suggested a discrepancy between their ability to teach and that of parents without credentials, perhaps this argument would be sincere. However, schools are increasingly using teacher assistants and other noncredentialed personnel in classrooms, while they are chastising parents. The hypocrisy suggests this is about money, and not about credentials. In fact, look beneath the surface of almost anything that goes on in our political public schools and money will appear.


POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT: Publications recommending reform lack substantive methods because the missing piece, or teacher abuse, disconnects from the reality of the system. While the federal government's No Child Left Behind reform exacerbates the dysfunction of the system, other suggestions do not penetrate the PUBLIC FACADE.

POLITICAL INSIGHT NUMBER THIRTY-NINE: SO HOW DO THEY DO IT?????????? There is an unwritten and unspoken agreement not just between schools of the same district, but also between districts to hire Family Members of School Administrators. You have to do an intensive research to uncover this sinister underground coalition of administrators who run the PUBLIC FUNDED EDUCATION SYSTEM AS A FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS.

But it can be done.Just compare all the payrolls!!!!!!!!!!!! Of all the districts and the same last names will appear over and over. Those are the ones to investigate. Now once we have uncovered the fact that all the districts are passed down like Feudal Plantations, what can we do about it???

We have to take away the power of hiring from the districts. Thats what we have to do!!!!!!!!! But with the playing field being skewed as it is, there is no chance that will happen.

"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow